Cipzer Arq Elaichi 500ml
Arq Elaichi provides energy to your heart and stimulates it, restores the stomach to proper functioning in case of Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GRED) problem and diarrhea, stops vomiting and prevents indigestion. It is a common aromatic condiment full of medicinal properties. It has cooling, carminative, and stomachic properties. It aids digestion, cures excessive thirst and is useful in nausea and vomiting as well.
Benefits :
- Arq Elaichi is a unique blend of enzymes that break down fat, carbohydrates, proteins & nutrients to release the required amount of energy. This is one of the best digestive supplements helpful in a number of digestive disorders.
- It can be taken to relieve digestion problems effectively. It contains a range of digestive enzymes that enhance digestion efficiency along with decreasing fatigue to keep you refreshed throughout the day.
- The Syrup have a perfectly balanced blend of all digestive enzymes helping break down vegetables, beans, and grains that assists in smooth digestive functioning.
- It has been commonly seen that digestion weakens as you age due to the decrease in the secretion of HCL & digestive enzymes in the stomach.
- 100% VEGAN : The product contains a naturally effective combination of enzymes that are carefully blended in a GMP-certified manufacturing facility, so, you can be sure that it is safe to take. The product is Vegan & expert-approved.
Ingredients: Elaichi khurd, pani and Benzoic acid
How to Use: 60ml twice a day
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